
What are events?

Events are how MASS interprets the origional script's event lines. Events allow you to easily modify each line's start time, end time, style, and text.

How do I declare an event?

In your script just add "Event" followed by the name you wish to give it (in the following example it's "main") and finally "{}".

Event main {}

The above is the default "Event" as no properties were specified. Any property not specified will be assigned its default value. The following shows each property set to its default value.

Event main {
   template = [s];
   start = [start];
   end = [end];
   style = [style];
   flags = 1;

What properties are there?

  -template (Template)
  -start (Start Time)
  -end (End Time)
  -style (Style)
  -flags (Flags)

template (Template)

The template property specifies how to interpret the karaoke timings and syllables.


template = [s];
template = [s,string {character, characternospace, word}];
template = [s,int {0, 1, 2}];
template = [s,string {character, characternospace, word},int];
template = [s,int {0, 1, 2},int];

Examples: (Using the line "{\k28}ka{\k33}ze {\k44}ga {\k22}i{\k23}ro {\k26}ni {\k22}na{\k23}t{\k67}te".)

[s] = {\k28}ka{\k33}ze {\k44}ga {\k22}i{\k23}ro {\k26}ni {\k22}na{\k23}t{\k67}te
[s,0] = {\k1}k{\k1}a{\k1}z{\k1}e{\k1} {\k1}g{\k1}a{\k1} {\k1}i{\k1}r{\k1}o{\k1} {\k1}n{\k1}i{\k1} {\k1}n{\k1}a...
[s,1] = {\k1}k{\k1}a{\k1}z{\k1}e {\k1}g{\k1}a {\k1}i{\k1}r{\k1}o {\k1}n{\k1}i {\k1}n{\k1}a{\k1}t{\k1}t{\k1}e
[s,2] = {\k1}kaze {\k1}ga {\k1}iro {\k1}ni {\k1}natte
[s,2,10] = {\k10}kaze {\k10}ga {\k10}iro {\k10}ni {\k10}natte

start (Start Time)

The start property specifies how to interpret the karaoke line's start time.


start = [start];
start = <Integer>;

Examples: (Using a start time of "0:00:23.40".)

[start] = 0:00:23.20
<[start] - 300> = 0:00:23.10

end (End Time)

The end property specifies how to interpret the karaoke line's end time.


end = [end];
end = <Integer>;

Examples: (Using a start time of "0:00:23.20".)

[end] = 0:00:23.40
<[end] + 410> = 0:00:23.61

style (Style)

The style property specifies the style of the line.


style = [style];
style = <String>;

flags (Flags)

The flags property specifies certain attributes and condtions to consider when processing the event.


flags = 0 / flags = none; // Normal state; no flags are set.
flags = 1 / flags = adjust; // Add a pause to the start of the karaoke timings if the start time is shifted backwards.